Grace Notes: Prayer Around the Cross

Are your days busy from beginning to end? If so, you know what it is like to crave stillness and a place set apart where you can be just BE. Are you carrying heavy burdens within you? If so, you know what it is like to long for a time when you can set them down and perhaps even have them removed. Are you in need of healing in body, mind, or spirit? Are you concerned for the well-being of a loved one? If so, you know something about your need for the healing touch that only God can bring. Is your heart full of gratitude for God’s daily gifts of grace, and are you in need of ways to express this openly and freely? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes”, then you will find a special blessing in our weekly Prayer Around the Cross worship service. We gather by candlelight at 7:30pm on Wednesday evenings in the Parish Commons and we would love to have you join us! The service lasts for about 20-25 minutes, but it always leaves me feeling like I have had a long time with God for spiritual renewal! Here is what you can expect if are able to join us each week:

*A beautiful and peaceful environment, lit only by candles
*Music that soothes the soul and centers you in the love and grace of God
*Scripture readings that speak to your heart
*Prayers and words of spiritual wisdom from men and women who have died in this particular week in   history
*Time for silence and meditation
*Time to come and light a candle, if you chose, as you turn to God in prayer
*An invitation to come and receive a special prayer for healing, offered by one of the pastors at St. Mark’s
*A benediction for you and the community as you come to the end of the day and prepare to rest in the peace of God that passes all human understanding

If you haven't experienced this beautiful and peaceful mid-week worship service, I encourage you to come and discover the gifts it offers to you and the difference it makes in your busy life!

Pastor Jan Ruud