But GROW in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. (2 Peter 3:18)

We are continually formed in faith through the Holy Spirit. Faith formation at St. Mark’s includes worship, Sunday school and confirmation, bible studies, and fellowship times for all ages, as well as the work of small groups, mission teams, and committees.

Registration for Sunday School 2024–2025 is now open! Click here to complete the registration form. For questions or more information, email Deacon Ingelaurie Lisher.

Sunday School: Age 3 to Grade 4


Sunday Morning in person classes are held from 9:45-10:45am the 2nd, 3rd, 4th (and the occasional 5th) Sundays of each month in the lower preschool/children’s faith formation center of the building. 

Using curriculum from 1517 Media/Spark house Publishing of the ELCA students explore the bible story of the day through video, the Bible and explore how God’s story ties in with our story.

1st Sunday Family Worship

The 1st Sunday of each month will feature children and youth helping lead worship at all 3 services, and the 9:45 am service will also offer a children’s message and praise songs oriented towards young learners led by our Praise Team. All are welcome to join for this service!

“Markers and Blessings,” Preschool–4th grade

A child’s faith journey is filled with times along the way where we recognize and bless the moment and the child, create sacred spaces for loving conversation across generations, and provide resources and encouragement for families as we walk together in the promises and gifts of baptism.

3-year olds and parent/s:  STARTING A NEW ADVENTURE IN JESUS’ LOVE

Helping children know that faith is a family affair, lived our daily and with worshipping community.  Children are gifted with a WHIRL StoryBible.

Early elementary and parent/s:  GATHERING AROUND CHRIST’S TABLE.

Learning more about holy communion with a rostered leader from our church.

1st Grade and parent/s:  THE LORD’S PRAYER.

Growing in relationship with God through prayer.  Create a prayer cube to practice praying the way Jesus taught us.


Children are gifted with an NRSV Bible and learn to navigate using it and sharing stories of faith.

Information for Milestones for 2021-22 will be provided in parent communications as we go through the year.

Sacrament Instruction in Baptism or Communion

Baptism: Contact a pastor for individual baptism preparation

Communion: A special communion instruction for kids in preschool and early elementary is planned. A pastor leads the discussion and bread-baking is part of the children’s experience.

Vacation Bible School

VBS at St. Mark’s is typically held the 1st full week in August. Stay tuned for more information regarding Summer 2022. Or if you have a passion for leading VBS please contact Ingelaurie Lisher at ingelaurie@smlutheran.org to share your ideas and interest. 

Advent and Christmas

1st Sunday in Advent Cross-Generational Wreath Making | This long-time tradition at St. Mark’s is back for 2021.  All ages are invited to join in for this in person event on Sunday, November 28 during the 9:45 and 11am services. Supplies will be available—suggest donation $5.00-10.00 per family to help pay for some hard-to-find items. 

Advent in the Home Bags | Like last Advent, we will be preparing Advent/Christmas Season faith formation and activity bags for the home. Something for all ages. Please see the Bridge or social media pages for how to sign up for yours. Bags can be picked up Sunday, November 21 between services , from 12-1pm in the parking lot or available in the church office Monday-Wednesday 8:30am-12:30pm. Please mark on the form if you need your bag to be delivered to you. 

Children’s Christmas Program | This year, our students will help lead the 4pm virtual Christmas Eve Service. Exact details, recording information and more will be sent out to families before the end of October.

Children’s Music

For Children’s Music opportunities, see the Worship & Music page.

The Children and Youth Faith Formation Committee engages in the formation of disciples by providing opportunities for children, youth and their families to be nurtured by God’s word and to engage in activities and worship that will encourage Christian growth. It shall invite, equip and support members for faith formation leadership and make use of appropriate materials in accordance with this congregation’s confession of faith.