Faith Journey
Faith Journey is a series of weekly gatherings (8-10 weeks) hosted by our pastoral staff that give participants an opportunity to hear each other’s stories, explore questions of faith, build relationships, hear scripture together, and listen for God’s call. Faith Journey is designed for seekers and visitors to St. Mark’s, but is always open to St. Mark’s members as well. Typically we host both a fall series and a winter/spring series, and we often offer two different groups for each series – a Wednesday evening group (6:00 – 7:15 pm) and a Sunday noon group (12:15 – 1:30pm).
For 2023-2024, here are our projected dates for Faith Journey groups:
Fall 2023
Sundays, beginning October 8th.
Wednesdays, beginning October 4th.
This series breaks for Advent/Christmas, and concludes in early January.
Winter 2024
Sundays, beginning February 4th.
Wednesdays, beginning January 31st.
This series beaks for Holy Week (March 24-31) and concludes in mid-April.
Click here for more information about Faith Journey. To sign up, or to ask questions, email Pastor Mark Gravrock.
Bible Studies
Through the scriptures God shapes us in our faith, our understanding, and our embrace of God’s world. In addition to our encounter with the Word in worship, we offer several opportunities for regular Bible study:
Bible Study Luncheon
At our weekly Bible Study Luncheon we read and discuss the scripture texts appointed for the upcoming Sunday. The preacher for that Sunday guides the conversation. Participants may join in person or via Zoom (check with the church office for a Zoom link). Feel free to bring your lunch. This group meets Wednesdays at 12 noon in the Parish Commons Classroom.
Ruth Ann Circle Study
St. Mark’s one remaining women’s circle gathers monthly for Bible Study, using the “Gather” magazine of the Women of the ELCA. This group meets on the first Monday of the month, 10:00 am, in members’ homes or in the Fireside Room.
Sunday Morning Adult Forums
Some of our Sunday Morning Adult Forums take the form of a biblical study. These forums take place on Sundays at 9:45 am in the Parish Commons Classroom.
Sunday and Wednesday Faith Formation
Sunday 9:45am — Parish Commons Classroom
The Adult Forum provides opportunities to reflect on Christian faith in light of current events and the daily decisions we need to make. Topics vary, leadership is shared, and the conversation is lively. Check our weekly newsletter, The Bridge, for upcoming topics.
Wednesday Evening Faith Formation
After our weekly 5pm supper and before the 7:30pm Evening Prayer service, the 6 or 6:15pm hour often features opportunities for Faith Formation forums, especially during Advent and Lent.
Covenants of Presence
We seek to create a safe and open place for our learning and growing. For that reason, we have adopted Covenants of Presence as a guide for our sharing and listening to one another. These covenants shape all our gatherings. You can read them here.
Other Gatherings
Our Adult Faith Formation team regularly offers other learning and growing opportunities. These vary in format and setting by the season. Recent examples include a monthly Film Series, a Young Adult Pub Theology, a Women’s Retreat, Interfaith Encounters, and book discussions (“St. Mark’s Reads”). Watch The Bridge for new offerings as the arise.
Adult Faith Formation Committee
A committed and gifted group of St. Mark’s members and pastoral staff continues to reshape adult faith formation for our congregation. If you’re interested in being part of shaping our learning, contact Pastor Mark Gravrock, or Diane Herforth.