We believe we are gathered together to be sent into the world.
At St. Mark’s, the Peace & Justice Ministry Team equips, motivates and supports the members of St. Mark’s in extending expressions of Christian compassion to the poor and oppressed and to persons in need. We look out to our local communities in Tacoma and to the world to identify social injustice and need; we connect with social service agencies and other groups who are addressing these challenges; we provide opportunities for St. Mark’s community to learn about these issues and to get involved.
St. Mark's Projects
In response to our calling to seek peace and justice in our community both locally and globally, St. Mark's supports a range of projects and initiatives led by members of the congregation.
Ministry Partnerships
Our congregation joins with our neighbors, near and far, to participate in many important ministries that support the spread of peace and justice.
Benevolence Partners
We are happy to offer financial and volunteer support to a range of ministries, organizations, and agencies who are addressing the challenges faced by the poor, hungry, oppressed, and persons in need.
Mexico Mission
Each year in June, members of St. Mark's travel to eastern suburbs of Tijuana, Mexico to build houses and lead children's programs in the neighborhoods in collaboration with Lutheran Border Concerns.