Mission, Vision, and Ministry
Our Mission:
We are a people and a place for God’s grace, claimed and called by Jesus Christ to worship, witness, learn, serve, and reach out with words and deeds of love.
Our Vision:
- St. Mark’s is a place in which every person is spiritually nourished.
- St. Mark’s is a congregation in which all persons are active in our mission.
- St. Mark’s is a church that is connected to the larger, more diverse human community in which we both offer and receive gifts.
Our Ministry:
We provide a place for God’s grace.
- We encourage each person to steward the gift of our facility through hands-on care and financial support.
- We nurture a congregational culture of hospitality, creating gracious space for people to grow in relationship with God and with one another.
- We share our facilities with the broader community, in fitting with our mission.
We invite all people to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ and the fullness of God’s grace through worship where we are gathered, nourished and sent to be Christ’s body in the world.
- We encourage each person to develop a practice of weekly worship and daily prayer.
- We provide engaging, renewing worship for all generations, connected to opportunities for hospitality and fellowship.
- We extend hospitality to all who come to worship, with particular attention given to those who are not members of our congregation.
We share God’s story and our stories to witness to God’s love.
- We encourage each person to reflect on ways in which faith is central to his/her life.
- We nurture a congregational culture of holy listening and storytelling.
- We share our stories of faith in the broader community, and listen to the diverse stories of those outside the walls of our church.
We learn by providing opportunities for all generations to explore their diverse stories in light of God’s story in order to answer Christ’s call.
- We encourage each person to be intentional about his/her continued formation in the Christian faith.
- We nurture a congregational culture that honors and enriches the faith formation of children, youth and adults through cross-generational experiences.
- We learn from the skills and stories of those in the broader community, and provide opportunities for congregation and community to learn together
We serve God by generously giving our time, talent, treasure and by sharing all the resources God has given us.
- We encourage each person to prayerfully consider how he/she will serve God by sharing his/her gifts.
- We nurture a congregational culture of generosity and humble service.
- We care for our broader community and the world God made by living out our baptismal calling in all aspects of our daily life.
We reach out to one another with words and deeds of love.
- We encourage each person to extend care to those in need, and to receive care during time of need.
- We nurture a congregational culture of loving care by providing both formal and informal opportunities to connect to each other in times of sorrow and in times of celebration.
- We commit to being a public presence in our community in order to share the love and justice of God with all people.