Worship Opportunities During Holy Week
Palm Sunday, March 28
10:00 a.m. Livestream Worship on St. Mark’s Facebook and Website
Join us online for worship as we celebrate Jesus’ procession into Jerusalem in our own processional through the city of Tacoma. Along the way, we will recall how Jesus comes to us in our experiences of loss and new beginnings, our acquaintance with suffering and healing, and our longing for the reign of God to come among us.
Holy Wednesday, March 31
8:00 a.m. In-person Morning Prayer in Sanctuary
This service will feature the beautiful musical setting, “In the Morning I will Sing” by Marty Haugen.
Maundy Thursday, April 1
12:00-1:00 p.m In-person Worship in Sanctuary: “Meditations on the Commandment to Love”
Join us over the noon hour for a service featuring meditative songs, readings and art that center us in the command of Jesus to “love one another as I have loved you.” This service will allow space for reflection and meditation as we prepare ourselves to enter the Triduum, the Great Three Days of Holy Week that immerse us in the mystery of Christ’s selfless love, sacrifice, and passage through death into life.
6:00 p.m. Agape Meal on Zoom
An Agape Meal, or “Love Feast”, is an ancient practice that goes back to the hospitality Abraham and Sarah showed to visitors. For Christians, it is a meal recalling the feasts Jesus shared with people around tables in their homes. All those who join us will be given recipe suggestions, ways to prepare your home for the meal, an outline of the ritual we will follow, and the opportunity to join others online for a time together that is guided by our pastors and music leaders. Click here for lots more information about the Agape Meal and a link to sign up.
Good Friday, April 2
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Self-guided Stations of the Cross in Sanctuary and Church Grounds
The prayer vigil offers a space to explore the Stations of the Cross in multisensory ways to engage, confess, and lament, featuring art by Rev. T. Denise Anderson. The service “honors the ancient story of Jesus’ death while recognizing the ways this narrative repeats itself again and again throughout the past and present.”
7:30 p.m. Livestream Worship on St. Mark’s Facebook and Website
Join us online for a dramatic, life-infused-into-text worship service as we enter the story of Jesus’ passion with the simplicity and clarity of St. Mark’s Gospel narrative and the beauty of songs that bind us to the truth of this story for our lives today. You can watch the service on our Facebook page, or by using the player below:
Easter Vigil, April 3rd
7:30 p.m. Livestream Worship on St. Mark’s Facebook and Website
From the “new fire” kindled in our church courtyard, we will go to the homes of many St. Mark’s members to hear Bible stories and songs that recount God’s power to call forth and preserve life. As the procession continues, we will then return to our sanctuary for the Easter Gospel and Affirmation of Baptism. You can watch the service on our Facebook page, or by using the player below:
Easter Sunday, April 4th
10:00 a.m. Livestream Worship on St. Mark’s Facebook and Website
Come celebrate the joyful news of Jesus Christ’s victory over death in story, song, prayer, and holy feast. Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” will be sung by a mass choir that includes singers of all ages in our St. Mark’s community. You can watch the service on our Facebook page, or by using the player below:
Let’s see what you are up to during Holy Week and Easter. Join the St. Mark’s Lent/Easter 2021 private Facebook group off our main page or click here and share/post pictures of your household from the week.