Fill us with good things at your table,
that we may come to the help of all in need.
Offertory Prayer

Each Sunday, after our offering gifts have been gathered, the ushers process the plates bearing the gifts to the front of the sanctuary. The Hunger Basket is nestled into the golden plates and all of the gifts are presented to God.

This past Sunday, an extra basket joined the procession. It didn’t contain checks or bills, but hand-written letters. Many of us, in addition to money, offered the gift of our time and our voice. We wrote to elected leaders and urged them to remember the most vulnerable in our community—children who live in poverty, for whom food-insecurity and poor nutrition are daily threats.

It is a powerful experience for me to see these letters taking their place alongside elements that are so essential to our life of faith. Our money, our time, our compassion, inter-mingling with the bread and wine of Holy Communion. The gifts we offer joined to the gifts Christ offers us.

As we have been fed, so we feed. As we have been loved, so we love. The body of Christ, broken for us. The Body of Christ, his Church, broken open for the sake of the world. Thanks be to God.

Pastor Shjerven