Congregational Care Committee
This committee takes an active interest in the members of St. Mark’s. We visit and support those who have special life situations; we encourage participation in the various activities of the church; and well look for other ways to enhance the life and ministry of St. Mark’s.
Click here to sign up for the Congregational Care Committee

Visiting the Homebound
Those who for one reason or another are unable to participate in congregational worship and activities are kept in contact with their church family through regular visits. Team members who are able, meet monthly to ensure that we know and are responsive to the needs of our members who are homebound. Your gifts in this ministry of care and contact are needed and welcome.
Click here to sign up for Visiting the Homebound

Care Ministry Team (Ages: 18 and older)
Care ministers supplement the pastoral staff by providing one-on-one care to people experiencing life transitions and challenges (for example: impending death, recovery from illness, loss of a job or a relationship, dealing with a chronic illness).
Click here to sign up for Care Ministry Team

Email Prayer Chain
The mission of the Prayer Chain is to communicate requests for payers to a network of individuals who are committed to the ministry of prayer for people in need. If you would like to be part of this ministry, please send your email address to the church office.
Click here to be added to the Email Prayer Chain

Caregiver Support Group
Twice a month, caregivers gather to support one another, pray, and receive strength for the challenges of caring for a loved one.
Click here to sign up for the Caregiver Support Group

Living Well Through Grief and Loss
This class is offered once in the spring and once in the fall, and provides a space to offer support and care to one another in a time of grief and loss. Hosted by Pastor Sigi.
Click here to sign up for Grief Support Group

Parish Nursing (Health care providers)
This position is open to any health care provider. We work to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the congregation and coordinate health programs and facilitate the use of church and community resources.
Click here to sign up for Parish Nursing 

Prayer Shawl Ministry
When you combine knitting and praying, what do you get? A tangible, warm, beautiful sign of God’s love to wrap around someone who is hurting. Can be done at home, while waiting for appointments or in groups.
Click here to sign up for Prayer Shawl Ministry

Help with Memorial Receptions
Whenever we host a memorial reception, help is needed for providing cookies, plating the food to be served, serving punch, and clean up. Generally an email is sent out in advance and those who are willing will follow the provided link to sign up for what they would like to help with.
Click here to sign up for Help with Memorial Receptions

Wellness Wednesdays

This is a time during the middle of the week where we gather to practice wellness through activities such as walking, yoga, and meditative practices. Check our weekly newsletter, the Bridge, to see which activities are currently being offered.

Opening Minds Through Art and Music and Memories

These are intergenerational programs for people with dementia that are aimed at promoting their social engagement, autonomy, and dignity through failure-free, abstract art and music.

Hosted at St. Mark’s on Tuesdays:

Opening Minds Through Art: 10:15-11:15am

Music and Memories: 11:30am-12:15pm

For more information email or call (253) 272-8433