Email the church office ( to get connected with any of these ministry opportunities.
Stewardship Committee
The purpose of the Stewardship Committee is to encourage one another to share generously our God-given gifts of time, talents, and resources in love and gratitude. We are called as a community to worship, learn, serve, and reach out in words and deeds of love because we are stewards of the blessings we have received. The Stewardship Committee provides leadership in three areas of responsibility:
1) Promoting opportunities for the people of St. Mark’s to give time, talents and abilities to allow us to live in our mission, locally, nationally, and globally.
2) Inviting the people of St. Mark’s to give financially to fund our ministry operations, facilities maintenance, and debt reduction.
3) Providing stewardship education for people of all ages.
Care of Creation (All Ages)
- Provide leadership to the St. Mark’s family in fostering and modeling environmental stewardship within the church community as well as within the broader community.
- Past activities have included current topic discussions at the Adult Forum on Sunday, summer day hikes, and camping trips.
- Suggestions welcome for future activities that celebrate God’s creation and encourages all members to join in our activities.
Greening Congregation Team
All members and friends of St. Mark’s who want to help us live in harmony with creation by working together to green our shared lives and facilities are invited to join this ministry in our congregation. Participants can choose to focus on one of the “green fields” we have identified, including: Worship and Liturgy, Education, Buildings, Grounds, and Community Engagement.