Children & Youth Faith Formation Committee
Oversees the activities and mission of Children and Youth Faith Formation. A team of leaders who are involved with children or youth ministries and interested in the design and planning of faith formational environments with children and youth. The team meets every month and shares what contributes to children and youth growing, serving, and learning in faith and strive to apply St. Mark’s ministry goals in children and youth settings.
Click here to contact the Children & Youth Formation Committee
Volunteering in Children’s Faith Formation
Adults who feel called to help children grow in their faith are invited to serve with the Sunday morning faith formation classes. Interested volunteers please contact Ingelaurie Lisher for more information and to complete our safe ministry training and forms.
Click here to Volunteer in Children’s Faith Formation
Sunday Mornings
Family Worship Sundays (1st Sunday of Every Month at 9:45am)
While students of all ages are encouraged to attend worship at any and all of our services with their families, we know that doesn’t always work so we work on gearing the 9:45am service on the 1st Sunday of the month towards children and youth.
Sunday Mornings with Children: September-June
Click here to sign up for Children and Youth Formation
Ages: 3 years old – Grade 4
Each Sunday, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Children’s Faith Center Rooms.
Children are encouraged to attend age-level classes where they will actively learn and share Bible stories. Besides engaging in God’s story, children also learn what it means to grow in faith and discipleship through faith practices: prayer, worship, service, and giving.
- Preschool & Pre-K ages 3 through 5: Music, play time, Bible stories, and activities are all part of the 9:45 a.m. hour.
- Kindergarten-age through grade 4: Each week children have a music opening, small group class time.
Register here for Sunday morning classes for children 3 years old to 4th grade.
5/6th Grade Faith Formation
Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the Youth Wing. Youth explore the stories of the Old and New Testament. Bible scriptures are over a two year cycle.
7th and 8th grade students meet on Sunday mornings in the Youth Wing. 9th grade students will meet for a fall retreat in addition to Sunday morning High School Sunday school to prepare for the Affirmation of Baptism service, held on Reformation Sunday (the last Sunday in October).
9-12th Grade Faith Formation
Thematic discussions on faith and life. Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the Fireside Room.
Nursery Care Opportunities
Youth grades 6-12 (with babysitting training and First Aid CPR) are invited to work/volunteer to serve in our church nursery throughout the year. Adults/Parents are also invited to volunteer in our nursery on Sunday mornings during worship. Infants and toddlers up to 4 years old are welcome during worship and church activities.
Click here to for Nursery Care Opportunities
Wednesday Church Night with Children
Nursery Care: Infants through 4 years old, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Children are always welcome in Sunday Worship and at the evening prayer service on Wednesdays.
For all children’s activities ages three years through grade four, Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministry, Deacon Ingelaurie Lisher,, 253-752-4966 x104.
Youth Ministries
Youth Grades 6-8
JR ALYVE group meets at various times throughout the year for fellowship and service activities.
Youth Grades 9-12
SR ALYVE meets at various times throughout the year for fellowship and service activities.
The Well meets 1-2x per month from November to May from 6:30-7:30 p.m. offsite. A space to breathe before your week begins.
JR/SR ALYVE Youth Group Grades 6-12
Meets most 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month for games and activities, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Parish Commons. See the monthly calendar on the youth board or the Parish Life for exact dates.
Click here to sign up for the following Sunday Mornings with Youth programs
Summer Ministries
Vacation Bible School, First Week of August,
Ages: 4 years old through Grade 5
Each year at the beginning of August, we reach out into the community around us to share the good news of Jesus. All parts of our facility are used as members and non-members alike, of all ages, learn while having a great deal of fun. Teachers, assistants, craft leaders and helpers, snack providers, and musicians are needed. Children and volunteers register online.
Click here to sign up for VBS help
Youth Summer Trip Information: See youth board, The Bridge, or Parish Life for up-to-date information.
Milestones & Markers
Meaningful, memorable moments woven into a life lived in faith. Tell the stories. Bless the days. Share the prayers.
- Welcome to Sunday School
Preschool Sunday School Children and Parents. - Communion Instruction
Young Children and Parents. - Interactive Learning about Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
1st Graders and Parents. - 3rd Grade Bible Presentations
Pentecost Sunday - Created in God’s Image (“CGI”)
5th Graders and Parents—June - Confirmation
7th grade Entering.
9th grade Affirmation of Baptism - Blessing of High School Graduates
- Mission Trips and Camps
Learning & Serving Opportunities
Annual and special one-time projects for Children, Youth & Families throughout the year.
- Lutheran World Relief Assembly of Kits
- Cross-generational Events
- Parent Book/Discussion Groups
Ages: 2 1/2 – PreK, begins September and follows the Tacoma Public Schools district calendar.
Learning, growing, and sharing in God’s love is at the heart of our philosophy. We emphasize a hands-on approach for all of our learning experiences. We support a developmentally appropriate program which allows children to grow and develop at their own rate. We believe early childhood should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploring and discovery. Preschool children are creative and receptive; the staff strives to nurture and encourage these qualities. The curriculum includes sharing and conversation time, stories and songs, activities and crafts, games and large muscle activities, field trips, science and nature activities, family nights, chapel, exposure to shapes, colors, numbers, and letters, and celebration of birthdays, holidays, and cultural events.
Click here to join the Preschool Committee