In a continued partnership with Phoenix Housing Network, an outreach of Catholic Community Services, our congregation has completed another week of hosting homeless families. We are so thankful to our many volunteers who help to make our guests feel comfortable and cared for in Christ’s love.
One of our members, Patty Hulbert, shared in an email to Phoenix housing coordinator Joy McDonald, why she chosen to donate pillow cases to our guest families.
The reason I do the pillow cases is that I can. Every child should have something of their own. Most of the time they have no control over the fact they are homeless. If I can give a little joy to them, I feel happy. God has lead me to this mission when our church took on the greater mission.
My health does not always let me do a big project but over time I can sew the school bags we send, and I enjoy thinking of the kids with a pillow case just their own. My grandchildren show up for a visit with their pillows in cases that also carry their blankies and stuffed toys. I smile each time I watch them.
How all this started is when my five children were in college I would send them a new case each month. I would theme to each month. It has turned into the gift I give each of the family members as they leave home for collage. They love a fresh case for each month of the year.
So long story short, I make them with love, and give them with love and hope for each child.
Thank you to for all you do, so much more than I.
~Patty Hulbert
Christy and Michelle Strand made the above pillowcases and donated the pillows.
(Please also note the valentine made by some of our Sunday school kids)